National Park Krka Waterfalls / Day Tour from Zadar

Jadera Booking Agency organizes a day tour to National Park Krka Waterfalls from Zadar. The office is located in the center of Zadar at Street Rafaela Levakovića 1, next to Caffe Bar Zlatni Kutić, from where we organize a meeting point (7:15-7:30am) for travelers.

The tour starts around 8:00 am and it finishes around 4:00 pm. If you follow our suggested route, it will take around 3 hours to explore the whole National Park and you will still have enough time for relaxing in a wild nature.

Details about the tour

The price for this tour is only 45,00 Euro per personEntrance fee for National Park Krka is not included in the price of transfer, but we have RESERVED TICKETS for our group.

You will pay your entrance ticket on the day of departure. The ticket includes all routs and paths. Check the price list below!


To get a discounted ticket, STUDNETS must have a valid ID card and children must be under 18 years. Please confirm which tickets you want to reserve minimum two days before depature. In case you do not confirm, we will calculate the price for the ADULT.

Check the weather forecast and bring appropriate clothing. Also, don’t forget to bring some of your own food and drinks with you to save more time for exploring and relaxing in the park.

Meeting point for the return is organized by guide/driver at 3:00 pm (Parking lot).

Here you can buy your ticket for transfer!

Please fill out all the information to buy a ticket trought our website such as: mobile phone number with country code and date of departure. After you made a payment you will recieve confirmation e-mail with e-ticket.

If you decide to buy TRANSFER TICKET trought our website just keep in mind that the ticket for the park/entrance fee is not included in the price and you will buy it upon arrival because the price varies due to date of tour as it is described above.

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